The Civil Rights, Privacy and Technology Table collaborates across sectors to attack threats to digital civil rights from all sides, and proactively identify and promote ways technology can advance equality. The Table’s working groups tackle some of the most pressing and consequential issues at the intersections of their fields.

Algorithmic State Working Group

Identifying opportunities for collective action to ensure that government use of algorithmic decision-making systems prioritizes equity and economic justice.

Broadband Access Working Group

Expanding broadband access for historically marginalized communities.

Data Privacy Working Group

Working on issues at the intersection of civil rights and consumer protection, with a particular focus on discrimination and privacy issues raised by commercial data practices.

Elections, Hate, and Disinformation Working Group

Working to eliminate mis- and disinformation on social media platforms designed to suppress or manipulate voters and voting rights toward marginalized communities, address solutions to counter online hate speech, and ensure platform accountability.

Immigrant Surveillance Working Group

Reining in use of high-tech tools to monitor and deport immigrants and their families and increasing accountability around public and private sectors’ use of surveillance.

Policing Tech Working Group

Reining in law enforcement's use of technological tools, curbing widespread surveillance, promoting transparency and accountability, and reducing the disparate criminalization and policing of Black and Brown communities, Muslim communities, immigrant communities, Indigenous communities, and other people historically and currently targeted by the state.